Thursday, 23 June 2011

How To Access CMD On School Computers

Accessing CMD

Thought I should write this up since so many people are having trouble or don't know how to search. Most schools have blocked CMD because of security issues, and for a good reason. Once you have CMD access you can reformat the hard drive, do various diagnostics, add users into groups and much more. There are a couple of ways getting around this, once you enable CMD, what you do next is up to you. I am not to be held responsible for your actions, I am only here to inform.

Method 1

- Open up Notepad/Wordpad.
- Save the file as CMD.EXE or alternatively, CMD.BAT (I'm fairly sure CMD.COM will work too, try all of them to be sure)

Method 2

Open My Documents (or any folder), and in the address bar type in C:\windows\system32\cmd.e xe. This should launch CMD directly from the folder. Works best if it hasn't been disabled just hidden.

Method 3

This is the method which works for me, my network has CMD blocked completely.

- Click anywhere on your desktop. Right click -> New -> Shortcut.
- Type in (or copy/paste) REG add HKCU\Software\Policies\Mi crosoft\Windows\System /v DisableCMD without the quotes.
- Run the shortcut and you'll see a box with Y/N. Press Y. CMD should now be enabled.
- Refer back to method 1 and CMD should be working now.

Wrote this up in about 10 minutes, if you have any constructive criticism or anything to add to this, post and I'll add it in with credits. Hope this helps people who need it.